Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Cosby All-Stars

I don't know about you, but I love the Coz. Bill Cosby is a pioneer in comedy and television and has quite possibly has become in his old age. For those of you unfamiliar with the greatness of the Coz, turn on any re-run of the Cosby Show or watch his stand-up and you'll see what I'm talking about. (I challenge you to not laugh at this)
I was watching an episode of the Jay Leno Show recently and the Coz was a guest. Now there are very few people who command or have the stage presence to be a guest on a talk show and completely take it over. Jay had no control over the show, and it was for the better. The audience, myself included, was enamored with the Coz. Whatever Jay thought he would ask Cosby before the show was thrown out the window and the Coz talked about whatever he pleased. (This clip isn't from that episode, but it gives you an idea of what I'm talking about)]
Now why do I bring this up? Because there are very few people in the sports world that can be compared to Cosby. Few athletes have achieved the level where if they want to do it in a game, there is no stopping it.
Historically, basketball superstars Wilt Chamberlain and Michael Jordan could lay claim to this.
Ted Williams and Bob Gibson were similar in the baseball world. But allow me to reveal the 5 athletes from this decade who could be compared to the Coz.
Without further ado, the Cosby All-Stars.

1.) LeBron James
Having not personally witnessed former great basketball players, I can not attest to how amazing they were to watch in person. However, I have seen LeBron and when he decides he is going to take over the game, there is simply no stopping him. His performance against the Pistons in Game 5 of the 2007 Eastern Conference Finals was the most dominating I have ever seen.

2.) Tiger Woods
The man won the US Open...with a broken leg. Need I say more?

3.) Michael Phelps/Usain Bolt
Both athletes are doing things unprecedented in their respective sports. Rarely do you see athletic events where the outcome is not in doubt. Call is narcissistic, but Bolt pulling up 15 meters early in the Olympics and outstretching his arms while still breaking the world record was pretty amazing.

4.) Albert Pujols
I was hesitant to put Pujols on this list simply because baseball players can not win game without serviceable pitching, not to mention the fact that pitchers can walk him if they want to. That being said, I could not leave out for my money, the greatest baseball player of my generation.

5.) Kevin Durant circa 2007
Next decade, I may be able to omit the circa 2007 label, but Kevin Durant was the best college basketball player I have ever seen. He could score at will and was a solid defender. This compilation makes my point for me

Let me know your thoughts

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Series That Were

Cardinals v. Dodgers
Prediction: Cards in 5
Result: Dodgers in 3
I hate to scapegoat one person, but Matt Holliday's now-infamous drop Game 2 basically sealed the Cards fate.
But I will say that I do not like that the Dodgers did not pitch to Albert Pujols. I understand teams intentionally walking players in late inning situations, but they were giving him a free pass in the first inning. If I were the Dodgers pitchers, I would want to face Pujols. How could you consider yourself one of the best pitchers if you won't throw to the league's best hitter?

Phillies v. Rockies
Prediction: Phils in 3
Result: Phils in 4
Kudos to both teams for giving us the best series of the first round. The series was marred by complaints regarding umpires, but I have never been one to believe umpires or referees make or break games. These guys have an inglorious job and I salute them for not lashing out towards the fans. All I have to say is institute instant replay for close calls. Give the refs a break.

Red Sox v. Angels
Prediction: Angels in 4
Result: Angels in 3
I was going to write about each team's most dangerous hitter, but I nixed the idea when I could not think of the Red Sox most dangerous hitter. Normally it would have been Big Papi, but he is not the same. That's when I knew that the Angels, who are the most fundamentally sound team in baseball with arguably the best manager in baseball, would win the series. And that is just what happened.

Yankees v. Twins
Prediction: Yanks in 3
Result: Yanks in 3
Not much to say here. The Yankees were coming in well rested and against a team that was physically and emotionally drained. The Twins did not stand a chance

Sunday, October 11, 2009

College Football Thoughts

A couple of thoughts about the top teams in college football.

1.) Alabama is good. Really good.
I have been singing the Crimson Tide's praises for weeks now, and they performed at a high level again last weekend. While their offense may not be the most explosive, their defense is neck and neck with Florida for the best in the nation. This year more than years past defense is a precious commodity. The offensive firepower throughout the nation has dissipated and the teams with strong defensive presence are flexing their collective muscle. For my money, Alabama is the best team I have seen this year.

2.) Florida should be worried.
Tim Tebow did not look like himself Saturday night. He was passive at the beginning of the game, and was not as effective as he had been in years past. Now part of that can be attributed to LSU's defense, but Tebow and Co. did not seem to get into a rhythm on offense. They have speed guys, solid receivers, but no one that strikes the year in opponents such as Percy Harvin last year. If the Gators go to the National Championship, it will be because of their defense, not Tim Tebow.

3.) Virginia Tech will be in the National Championship, Texas will not.
I do not think Texas is a top three team. Colt McCoy seems tired this year. Now don't get me wrong, I think McCoy is one of the best players in college football. But he has played the first half of each game like a hungover frat guy trying to be productive before noon. Not what you want out of your quarterback. Eventually, someone will jump on them early and the Longhorns won't be able to recover.
The Hokies have been the most impressive team over the past 4 weeks, with their only blemish coming in the first game against the aforementioned Crimson Tide. Virginia Tech only plays one ranked team (Georgia Tech next week) and the only team I could see giving them problems is NC State, but VA Tech is home in that game.
I see the Hokies winning out and Texas slipping up, but only time will tell.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Divisional Series Predictions

In high school, I wrote papers with post-season baseball predictions under the pseudonym the "October Oracle". While I still believe that to be a clever nickname, it was not met with the enthusiasm that I expected. So I have decided to abandon the nickname. While there are other alliterative nicknames I considered (Playoff Prophet, Post-Season Prognosticator, and Predictor of the Pastime) nothing seemed quite right. So until I come up with an exceedingly witty moniker, I'll just focus on doing my best to predicting the MLB playoffs.

Phillies v. Rockies
I am a believer in the Fightin' Phils. I know Cole Hamels has been sub-par this season, especially considering his dominating run to World Series MVP last year, but a pitcher that shows that much composure under pressure will perform in the playoffs year in and year out. Hamels does not have to duplicate last year's run with the addition of Cliff Lee, but he will have to provide quality that extend deep into the game. I think he will do that.
This is the worst possible match-up for the Rockies. The Rockies play in a hitter ballpark against a team that has the strongest lineup in the National League. The Rockies would undoubtedly rather have any other team.
Prediction: Phillies in 3

Cardinals v. Dodgers
The Cardinals have two of the best starters in the NL and the best player in baseball in Albert Pujols. That sounds like enough to me. Barring a string of outstanding starts by Billingsley and Kershaw, the Cardinals pitching staff will prove too strong.
Prediction: Cardinals in 5

Yankees v. Twins
The Yankees have been the league's best team all year and will not stumble early. A-Rod can't be bad every postseason, right? Plus the Twins have already expended so much energy just to make it into the playoffs, I don't see how they can keep this momentum up. Maybe if Justin Morneau was playing they'd have a shot.
Prediction: Yankees in 3

Red Sox v. Angels
The most intriguing match-up in the first round to me. The Red Sox have the pitching to win this series, but I question their lineup. While it is still dumb to doubt Big Papi in the playoffs, I will be dumb and doubt him. The Angels are managed by the best in the game and have a line-up made for postseason ball (at one point in the season, they fielded a lineup composed of all .300 hitters!) . I think that the Angels are better than they are getting credit for.
Prediction: Angels in 4