Thursday, March 25, 2010

3 Quick Thoughts From Thursday's Action

1.) I want to personally thank the basketball gods for bestowing upon us loyal fans the best announcing pair in college basketball for the Kansas State-Xavier thriller. Gus Johnson's enthusiasm is unrivaled and well-documented, but Len Elmore is far and away the best color commentator in the game. Elmore provides succinct, relevant information while having the awareness to know when Gus will erupt. Elmore does not force information, a tragic flaw of many color commentators.

2.) Cinderella teams are great, but eventually order is restored in the tournament. The only remaining team that is somewhat out of place is #5 seed Butler, but that is due to poor seeding by the Selection Committee. Butler should have been a #4 seed minimum/maximum (I could go on a tangent about how confusing that is) and I would argue that the Bulldogs deserved a #3 seed more than New Mexico. Don't be surprised if higher seeds prevail tomorrow.

3.) Memo to West Virginia: Do not expect to turn the ball over like that and beat Kentucky. John Wall will make you pay. That is all

More on the epic Kansas State-Xavier game tomorrow

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